
Adventure Tree Preschool Play & Inquiry Curriculum

Bearing in mind the importance of the early years in a child’s development, we have carefully devised a two-pronged approach for our curriculum where Adventurers will progress from Play-based learning to Inquiry-based Learning.

Through the implementation of Adventure Tree Preschool Play & Inquiry Curriculum, we use various themes to deliver a seamless integrated approach to learning by:

  • Providing meaningful experiences for children to explore, experiment and discover
  • Teaching with real life materials and exciting resources
  • Making learning come alive within and outside the classroom

The 6-Domain Approach

To ensure readiness of the children for Primary 1, our curriculum integrates the 6 core domain of the Singapore NEL curriculum framework requirement.

Language & Literacy

  • Listen for information and enjoyment
  • Speak to convey meaning and communicate with others
  • Read with understanding and for enjoyment
  • Have an interest in learning Language which may not be familiar to them
  • Develop foundational language and literacy skills

Discovery of the World

  • Show an interest in the world they live in
  • Find out why things happen and how things work through simple investigations
  • Develop a positive attitude towards the world around them


  • Recognise simple number patterns and relationships in order to use them, such as matching and sorting
  • Use numbers in daily experiences
  • Recognise and use basic shapes and spatial concepts in daily experiences

Aesthetics and Creative Expression

  • Enjoy art, music and movement activities
  • Express ideas and feelings through art, music and movement
  • Create art, music and movement using experimentation and imagination
  • Share ideas and feelings about art, music and movement

Social and Emotional Development

  • Develop an awareness of personal identity
  • Manage their own emotions and behaviours
  • Show respect for diversity
  • Communicate, interact and build relationships with others
  • Take responsibility for their actions

Motor Skills Development

  • Enjoy participating in a variety of physical activities
  • Demonstrate control, coordination and balance in gross motor tasks
  • Demonstrate control and coordination in fine motor tasks
  • Develop healthy habits and safety awareness at home, school and public places

Our Holistic Approach

The learning outcomes are developmentally appropriate and not restrictive to what children should know and able to do at the end of their Preschool education. Exploring new interests is important for children to find things they are passionate about. Hence, Adventure Tree Preschool also encourage and expose children to various activities such as:

  • Ma Petite Cuisine – our French-inspired weekly culinary class
  • Sustainability Projects
  • STEAM – Project Based Learning
  • Eureka – Inquiry Based Explorations